Active Outdoor Safety Posts

How To: Recognize and avoid poison ivy

Life is not always a walk in the woods, but when it is, make sure you don’t step in the poison ivy. Leaves of three, don't touch me or Leaves of three, let it be is a pretty good rule of thumb as poison ivy comes in many colors and varieties. This video nature safety tutorial shows how to look out for and prevent the uncomfortable burning that results from any contact with poison ivy.

How To: Survive a silver back gorilla encounter

Gorillas are 400 lbs and 6 feet tall. They are the largest primates and the silver back, the dominant male is known to become aggressive if confronted. It begins with chest thumping and then a charge. If it charges you should crouch down. Don't run or chest thump.Your body language communicates that you are not aggressing the animal. Survive a silver back gorilla encounter.

How To: Drive off road and get un-stuck

Learn how to stay in one piece while driving off the road. Ray Mears from the BBC shares his top tips on driving on the sand. With patience, concentration, and the ability to keep your thumbs out of the wheel, you can learn how to float across the top of the sand before getting stuck! (Getting stuck is inevitable, he says!) This video is helpful in teaching tricks for how to get un-stuck.

How To: Avoid mosquito bites

The female mosquito feeds on blood so she can develop eggs, but in the process she can transmit disease. This video gives tips on how to avoid mosquito bites like avoid going out at dusk, application of repellent, wearing long sleeves and more. Avoid mosquito bites.

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